Jobs Jobs

Simple Jobs for 12-Year-Olds that Pay Well

Not every job requires a college degree or imposes an age restriction. There are many reasons kids might wish to work, including earning some spending money, saving for an enormous gift, or even paying for college. 

We’ll look at some of the high-paying careers accessible to teenagers in this post to help you locate the right one for you or your kid. 

Simple Jobs for 12-Year-Olds that Pay Well

What Jobs Are Available at the Age of 12? 

To gain job experience, you can begin by assisting your parents or guardians around the house.

You’ll earn some additional cash and gain essential skills that will come in handy as you age. Once you’ve gained some of these experiences, you can design your CV. 

What Sorts of Jobs are Ideal for Teenagers? 

Given that kids are often obligated to school for the bulk of the week, part-time employment that includes weekend and nighttime work might be advantageous. 

These professions might benefit teenagers because many need little to no experience. 

Additionally, these occupations may allow kids to work flexible schedules that accommodate their schooling and extracurricular interests. 

Pursuing these occupations as a teen can assist you in developing crucial soft skills in preparation for college or future full-time careers. 

Additionally, you may get valuable job experience to include on your résumé or college application. 

Is it Possible to Open a Bank Account at 12 years old?

Numerous businesses/people accept payment using cash payment, PayPal, or direct deposit into a bank account. 

You could use Capital One’s MONEY Account, with a no-fee account for teenagers with your debit card. A critical aspect is that you will want parental permission to create the account. 

Simple Jobs for 12-Year-Olds that Pay Well

There are about a few jobs that a 12-year-old can legally perform. That is not to say that other excellent money-making alternatives aren’t available to you or your adolescent. 

If you’re questioning what occupations 12-year-olds may legally do outside the house, here are 15 jobs they can lawfully do. 

  1. Yard Work 

Several 12-year-olds have embarked on their first job mowing lawns or sweeping leaves. Children might volunteer to pick up yard debris or shovel snow following a storm. 

Jobs can be discovered by distributing leaflets throughout your area or depending on word-of-mouth from happy neighbors.

Children should be familiar with lawnmowers and may require adult supervision. Pay for yard labor varies by state, but the federal minimum wage is $7.05 per hour, and the average rate is $10 per hour. 

  1. Babysitting 

For 12-year-olds, interim child care is also a typical career. They can make money by caring for the children of their relatives and neighbors for a few hours each day. 

For children aged 11-15, the American Red Cross provides a Babysitter Training course. Pre-teens must not be left overnight or in charge of little children for lengthy periods.

Babysitting pays roughly $10 per hour, with additional factors determining the amount. 

  1. Pet Care 

Assuming your kid is a creature sweetheart, they might be keen on working with fuzzy buddies. Canine strolling, pet prepping, and pet sitting is accessible positions.

When their neighbors leave on vacation, they frequently employ youngsters they know to feed and walk their pets.

Similarly, a busy neighbor or elderly family may want assistance washing or walking their dog. Pay is determined by various parameters, including the quantity and type of pets and additional care. 

  1. Newspaper Distribution 

Newspaper delivery is still one of the FLSA-protected professions allowed for 12-year-olds. This employment is best suited for children who live in suburban areas. 

Many grownups have pursued this employment as routes develop and demand certified drivers.

Occasionally, parents and children elect to work together on this assignment. Children often get weekly fees ranging from $150 to $500 plus gratuities from homeowners if the delivery involves money collecting. 

  1. Tutoring 

Children who perform well in school can earn additional money by teaching other pupils. Your children can assist other students in traditional school topics such as math and science or in alternative fields of study such as offering piano lessons or helping fellow students improve their baseball skills.

They can also attempt tuition online through, which charges an hourly cost of $11 or more, depending on the subject. 

  1. Cleaning Residences 

Do you have a well-behaved adolescent? They might begin earning extra income by cleaning houses using their expertise. 

Allow your adolescent to earn additional money by offering cleaning services to neighbors, friends, and family members. The most challenging component is locating individuals who are interested in your services.

Professional cleaning services charge between $25 and $30 per hour, so charging $20 is the sweet spot. Additionally, the cost will be determined by the number of bedrooms and the house size. 

  1. Create a YouTube Channel 

If your forte is video creation, starting your own YouTube channel is an excellent method to earn money. 

You’ll need to identify a niche to concentrate your content-generating efforts. Additional audio and video recording and editing devices may be required for this gig.

To be qualified for YouTube adaptation, you should have 4,000 general visibility hours in the past year, no less than 1,000 endorsers, and an active AdSense account.

  1. House Sitting 

House sitting entails watering plants, caring for pets, cleaning, and essential maintenance. 

While the house sitter often lives in the house, certain positions involve only daily attendance for a few hours while the house owner is gone.

While this requires much responsibility, the money is far better than dog watching, at $20-30 per day or $50 per day if staying overnight. On the other hand, House sitters may not be authorized to leave the house and travel elsewhere. 

  1. Establish a Lemonade Stand 

This common money-making concept is an excellent method for your kid to earn extra cash during financial hardship. 

Additionally, it teaches kids the ins and outs of company operations, which may be handy if they intend to pursue their firm later.

Lemonade prices vary according to the ingredients used; you may charge up to $1.25 per cup if you use fresh lemons, while $0.50 per cup is frequently fair if you use a powdered mix. 

  1. Retail Employee 

As young as 12 years old, teens can serve clients, arrange products, and clean the space.

However, due to the limitations of the legislation, a youngster under the age of 14 may only work for their parent’s business. 

11. Garage Cleaner 

While cleaning the garage is a pain in the neck for most people, it is an excellent source of revenue for teenagers. 

The tasks might be as basic as cleaning the environment or as complex as organizing your belongings. You may increase your earnings by adding other services such as vehicle cleaning. 

  1. Sell Art on Etsy 

Etsy is the most significant online marketplace for selling handmade goods and art supplies. 

If you have artistic ability or live in a location where art supplies such as seashells are plentiful, Etsy offers additional revenue possibilities. Minors under 13 require immediate supervision by a parent or legal guardian. 

  1. At Events, Sell Water 

Selling water bottles may be a lucrative revenue source at local events when people are unable or unwilling to purchase water or food. 

Purchasing water from a reputable provider is critical to avoiding health problems for your clients. Adult supervision may be required in some states. 

  1. Decorating for the Holidays 

Your 12-year-old might make additional money throughout the holiday season by assisting neighbors in putting up their Christmas decorations. 

From stringing Christmas lights to adorning the tree, your adolescent has several simple methods to make some extra cash over the holidays. 

  1. Elderly Aide 

Your 12-year-old could also assist an elderly neighbor or family member at their house. 

They can keep the individual company or assist with household chores such as cleaning, organizing, and pet care. 

16. Runs Errands 

An Errand Runner will be assigned to do errands for those who are either too busy or unable to complete the work. 

These errands often include pet services, gardening, and attending events. Additionally, errand runners are hired to assist the elderly with food shopping, snow removal, and other physically demanding duties. 

Depending on the locale, some sites charge between $18 and $35 per hour, with the national average being $25 per hour. 

  1. Services on Fiverr 

If you’re more interested in online work, Fiverr is a suitable freelancing platform for 12-year-olds. 

Fiverr is a marketplace where anyone may sell their skills for a fee, with a minimum of $5 per bespoke order.

Individuals who want your services will reach out to you to organize the job. Teens can earn additional money on Fiverr if the service is not unlawful, fraudulent, vulgar, or “nonsense.” 

  1. Lawn Care / Landscaping 

As a landscaper, you’ll be responsible for mowing the lawn, removing weeds, and maintaining the homeowner’s yard. Summer months provide a plethora of landscaping and lawn care career options.

While this profession requires considerable effort, income ranges from $9 to almost $20 per hour, depending on the lawn size. 

Additionally, it’s an excellent opportunity to exercise and learn about managing time and hard work. 

  1. Painting 

Summer is frequently when mortgage holders plan house redesigns. This gives business choices to young people.

You and your pals can get work painting interior and outdoor walls. You can also paint fences if you run out of houses to paint. 

It’s worth noting that before you begin, you should familiarize yourself with the best types of paint to use on various types of surfaces. 

  1. Maintenance of Swimming Pools 

Another excellent side employment for teenagers is pool cleaning and maintenance. This work requires you to brush the pool’s surface, skim debris from the water, and suction material from the pool’s bottom region.

This profession may also need you to clean pool filters and, as you age, manage chemical levels. 

When starting, the remuneration is around $10 each visit but can increase to $25 if chemical levels are maintained. 

  1. Modeling 

For individuals who are not interested in performing jobs, consider modeling. As a young model, you will almost certainly work for printed media outlets such as magazines. 

Depending on your interests, you can get work as a model for stock pictures, fashion, or beauty goods. The average hourly income for modeling is $11.43. 

22. Be a Movie Actor 

Did you know that Macaulay Culkin, the star of “Home Alone,” was only eleven years old when he initially portrayed Kevin McCallister? Children under 14 can legally work as actors in films, television shows, and radio programs. \

You can audition for positions at various television stations or production companies if you’re a talented actor. If you’re significant about going about as a vocation, joining an organization is a tricky spot to begin.

  1. Music Critic 

As a music critic, you will be provided with a song clip to listen to and offer a candid opinion on. 

Pay begins at around ten cents for each review. You may quadruple your profits by submitting high-quality reviews and improving your score. Music X-ray is one of the websites that provide this gig. 

  1. Removal of Snow / Leaves 

Teens can also find seasonal jobs that pay well, such as shoveling snow in the winter and leaf raking in the fall. 

Ensure that you use a non-stick shovel and a snowblower to remove ice when shoveling snow effortlessly. You may earn additional money by selling the leaves to persons in need of mulch, often farmers and gardeners. 

Snow shoveling compensation ranges from $20 to $35 per hour, depending on the location, but raking leaves is often charged at $5 per bag. 

  1. Acquire and Sell Scrap Papers

Scrap paper is among the most recycled commodities on the planet. Typically, documents are charged by the ton and paper type. 

Corrugated containers cost between $69 and $210 per ton, while copy papers, letterheads, and envelopes cost up to $210 per ton. 

If you live near an office or other organization that generates a lot of paper, arrange to pick up their paper waste. 


What is the highest-paid job available to 12-year-olds?

Landscaping is the highest-paid job available to 12year olds.

Are 12-year-olds permitted to work at McDonald’s?

Although McDonald’s requires a minimum age of 14 years to work, it still depends on the store’s policy. 

How can a 12-year-old earn money quickly?

Stand for Lemonade

Arrange a garage sale

Conduct Online Surveys.


Dog Walking and Pet Sitting

What is the earliest age that an individual might get everyday work?

As a general rule, the FLSA lays out a base business age of 14 years and limits the number of hours kids younger than 16 might work.

What is the best way for a 12-year-old to earn money online?

Come up with illustrations

Create crafts or jewelry for internet sale

Create videos for YouTube

Selling their used items

Conduct online surveys.


Although statutes restrict the work that 12-year-olds can perform, there are still several ways for a youngster to earn money. You or your child may make money if they adhere to federal and state regulations. 

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